Shooting under a scorching sun or in the freezing cold has its own hazards and inconvenience. The danger of a horde of tourists or a sudden movement of cloud spoiling a perfect picture postcard setting is ever present. That is the charm as well as challenge of landscape photography where you can neither control the subject, nor the conditions. In fact, there is no formulaic procedure for taking landscape pictures.
Since my first One Man Show of photographs at the Lalit Kala Art Gallery, Ahmedabad last year followed by the second exhibition at the Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery, Baroda in December 1996, I have consciously tried to expand my visual horizons. For me photography is a creative process of recording on film emotive landscapes seen with the mind’s eye. Rising early to capture the first rays of sunlight, locating a vantage point giving a clear view uncluttered by security cabins and overhead cables, waiting patiently for the right light and having enough film whenever that magic moment happens is the stuff of which memories are made of.
Shadowsand Reflections from Maira’s World is a selection of my recent work. Through these pictures, I hope to share my own vision and my response to the world around us.